“EtUx” is a Latin phrase meaning “and wife.” The phrase “EtVir” means “and husband”, “EtAl” means “and others.”
You can contact the Assessor’s Office at 901-465-5226 to get this resolved.
The current tax rate (as of 2022) is $1.2915 per hundred dollars of assessed value.
You can contact the Assessor’s Office at 901-465-5226 to get this resolved.
Taxes are due the last day of February of the following year without interest charges.
Tax information may be forwarded to your mortgage company.
Partial payments can be made on the current year’s property taxes, as long as taxes are paid in full by the February due date. Five equal payments may be made October through February.
If your property is located outside the city limits: you will only have County Property Taxes, that are collected by the County Trustee’s office. If your property in located inside the city limits: you will have County Property Taxes, that are collected by the County Trustee’s office, AND you will have City Property Taxes, that are collected by the various municipalities.
As a result of the passage of the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000, the County Trustee’s Office is now approved to accept Debit/Credit cards for payment of county property taxes; however, if court fees are assessed, we CANNOT accept Debit/Credit cards. Currently Visa and MasterCard are accepted; however, a processing fee is charged to cover the cost of processing. You will need to make your payment in person or online at fayette.tennesseetrustee.org