Fayette County Library

Fayette County Library - Fayette County
The mission of the Somerville-Fayette County Library is to serve each Fayette County resident by providing educational, informational, cultural, social, and recreation materials and resources in various formats, while providing programs in an inviting spacious environment.
To inspire, engage and enrich the lives of Fayette County residents from early to lifelong learners.
To be eligible to obtain a Somerville-Fayette County library card a person must meet one of the following criteria:
To obtain a library card a person must complete and sign a membership application which will be kept on file at the library. In addition, they must provide proof of residency as follows:
All library cards must be renewed annually. Cards without usage for three years may be deleted. Adults responsible for children’s cards must keep their card current and in good standing in order for children to checkout items.
If a card is lost, stolen or damaged, patron MUST IMMEDIATELY contact the library to avoid unauthorized use. There will be a charge of $6.00 for a replacement card, unless the patron obtains and presents a police report or fire report.
To check out library materials, a person MUST:
Library books and audio books on CDs or cassettes may be borrowed for a two-week period and may be renewed for one additional two-week period unless a reserve has been placed on the item. Books and audio books may be reserved. Reserves will be held for three days for patron pick up. The overdue fine on books and audio books is $0.10 per day per item with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item. There is a reasonable limit to the number of books and/or audio books that a patron may check out unless lending privileges have been misused or abused.
In the case of audio books the library is not responsible for any damage to a patron’s equipment.
Note: Only two items may be checked out at the first visit or for those with No Fixed Address.
Movie DVDs and videos may be borrowed for a three-day period and may be renewed for one additional three-day period unless a reserve has been placed on the DVD. DVDs may be reserved by adult patrons. Reserves will be held for patron pick up for one day only. The overdue fine on movie DVDs is $1.00 per day per DVD with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item. A limit of three DVDs per household is allowed.
The library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s VCR, DVD player, or other equipment.
Note: Juveniles are NOT allowed to check out DVDs.
For the convenience of patrons the following transactions may be handled by phone:
For the convenience of patrons a return drop box is available on the porch at the main entrance to the library. Library materials may be returned by depositing them in this return drop box.
All materials in the return drop box are collected and processed once a day when the library first opens. If an item is due on a given day and is returned that day in the drop box after the library has opened, it will not be processed until the following day but will not be charged with a past due fine.
The library’s online catalogue is available to the public. The website address for the catalogue is http://tenv.agverso.com/home?cid=tenv&lid=sfcl&reset-force. Items requested online for RESERVE are processed by staff only once daily upon library opening. Only adult patrons are allowed to reserve up to five items; minors are not allowed to reserve. Reserves are held at the circulation desk for three days for patron to pick up with his/her library card. Items not picked up will go to the next patron on the reserve list or back on shelf.
Other resources available online to patrons include: R.E.A.D.S. (Regional Ebook and Download System) at http://reads.lib.overdrive.com, HeritageQuestOnIine.com, Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) at http://tntel.info, TEL for Kids at http://te14u.orq, Universal Class, Niche Academy and others.
Only patrons in good standing may request books through Inter-Library Loan (ILL). Books borrowed via Inter-Library Loan (ILL) may be checked out to our patrons for only one two-week period beginning on the day the book is received by our library. These books CANNOT be renewed. Only one (1) book may be checked out per adult patron. The fine for an overdue inter-library book is 0.10 per day. Should the Inter-Library Loan item become lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the patron user to pay for the replacement of the item under the lending library’s terms. The name of a patron who has an overdue Inter-Library Loan book will be placed on the library’s regular overdue list, and the same restrictions will apply. Patrons who misuse the Inter-Library Loan service may lose Inter-Library Loan privileges and possibly our library privileges as well.
While we do participate in the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) program, this library does reserve the right NOT to loan non-circulating, historical or reference, out-of-print/hard-to-replace items or new, current items released within the last six (6) months in order that our local patrons may enjoy their use.
Libraries who borrow our library’s materials are offered every courtesy through our Inter-Library Loan program. We do not collect overdue fees from other libraries, but do have the policy that should our loaned item(s) become lost or damaged, it will be the responsibility of the borrowing library to replace those items.
A patron must make a $20.00 (cash money) per book deposit when borrowing study guides. These include G.E.D., ACT, SAT and A.S.V.A.B. guides plus others that staff deem difficult to retain. A receipt will be given for each deposit. The patron may retrieve the deposit upon return of the study guide on time and in good condition. Fines and/or damages will be deducted from the deposit. If a patron does not return a study guide, the deposit will be forfeited.
Damaged Materials
The Somerville-Fayette County Library understands that books and media experience normal wear and tear as they are used. The library balances normal wear and tear against damages that might make the public reluctant to use the material. Usability is one consideration; appearance is another.
These guidelines cover any material that the library checks out to the public.
Fees for damaged materials will be charged when the condition of an item makes it unsuitable to be returned to the collection.
A patron must reimburse the library for the replacement cost of any book, audio book, DVD, etc. that is not returned plus a $5.00 reorder fee. If an item is returned in damaged condition, the patron must pay for the cost of repair or the replacement cost of the item if it is too damaged to be used.
There is a $1.00 fee for missing or damaged barcodes.
Some movie DVDs have a “protective orange cover” on the back of the DVD. Missing or damaged orange DVD covers are $1.00 per cover.
Due date receipts are printed for all materials checked out. Patrons are responsible for keeping these receipts to know when library materials are due.
Cash Payments Only
All fines, fees, and other payments must be paid in cash using nothing larger than $20 bills.
All patron records are regarded as confidential and are not to be shared with any person other than the patron.
Click Here To Apply For E-Library Card
Fayette County Library Staff
Sissy Dowdle-Rosser, Library Executive Director Gwen Geeslin, Library AssistantThe Somerville-Fayette County Friends of the Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization that encourages and welcomes others to join. There is a $10 annual membership fee and various events throughout the year that the Friends help the library. All funds or donations that the Friends receive from book sales and gifts are used to support the library in numerous ways including purchasing furniture, bookcases, books, updating fixtures and other exigencies. Please contact us at sfcfotl@gmail.com.
Please visit the library to become a Friend of the Library.
2024 Friends of the Library Quarterly Meeting Schedule
2024 Shop the Shelves Book Sale Dates
Current Officers
Ways to Support the Somerville-Fayette County Friends of the Library
Card Catalog Search Tutorial (Part I)
Card Catalog Search Tutorial (Part II)
Get to Know Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep
Resume Building Support for Job Seekers
Supporting College Students with Peterson’s Test Prep
Click picture below to find online
Fayette County Deed records from 1800’s
Fayette County Mayor’s Office
P.O. Box 218
13095 North Main Street
Somerville, TN 38068