Internet Access and the Library Computer Policy
Computer/Internet Use — The Somerville-Fayette County Library gladly provides computer and Internet use for our residents and guests. Computer use for Somerville-Fayette County Library is accessed by obtaining an Internet Pin Pass (one-time-use number) that allows an individual to use a public-access computer for 90 minutes. Remember to turn your cell phone/device to “silent.” All computer and software use, and Internet and Wi-Fi use at the Somerville-Fayette County Library is for legal purposes only and must be respectfully used with care and caution. Filters are provided on all computers but users must be mindful that the Internet may contain materials of a controversial nature or possible hidden malware. Computers not in use within a 10-minute time span will automatically sign out and any unsaved information will be lost. The Library strongly recommends that computer users bring a personal USB drive to “save” their work as they go to prevent loss of work done.
No one may modify library computers or software other than library, regional, state or authorized staff. No one may access obscene, pornographic or illegal information or gain illegal access (hack) into another user’s personal or business data. Only one person per computer monitor is allowed, however, if you need assistance, please notify someone at the front desk and we will allow a friend or staff to briefly assist you. Only public-access computers are available to the public. Staff computers are only for library staff and the History Room computer is only available for microfilm-related, history or genealogy research or for librarian-/staff-proctored testing.
For your personal online safety, always remember to “sign out” or “log out” of any personal account you may use while here. If the user needs to print materials while on the computer, remember to “Print Preview” to ensure you are printing exactly what you need and… remember to LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON to allow copies to print. To print, advise staff of your computer number under monitor, pay for your copies and the staff will release your items waiting to be printed.
Minors ages 6 to 12 are allowed to use computers, but must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. School age students are allowed on computers after 2:30 p.m. on school days. Students who are in grades 6 through 12 may use the library’s computers without having an adult with them if parents or legal guardians sign the Library’s PARENTAL CONSENT FORM.
Staff cannot complete online applications for you, but may briefly assist you while you add information required. Staff will begin to shut down public-access computers 30 minutes prior to library closing; computer users must end their computer use at that time.
When library users obtain and enter their Internet Pin Pass, they automatically are agreeing to abide by library, computer and Internet policies and user guidelines. Those who violate library policy or are observed doing so may lose computer/Internet privileges and may be asked to leave the library.